Leaders Preparatory School Tardiness Policy
Students are expected to arrive on time for school. Those arriving after 8:30 am will be considered tardy. Class attendance and participation are important parts of learning, and timeliness is a crucial indicator of appropriate Islamic behavior and attitude. Developing a habit of tardiness will cause significant problems in high school and college later on. Furthermore, tardiness is disruptive to the teacher and other students in the class. Students are encouraged to arrive at 8:15 am to attend assembly and be ready for classes at 8:30 sharp. Students who arrive late must report to the school office and fill out a late slip.
Middle and high school have only 2 minutes grace period to move from one class to another. Any student who comes late to any class is considered to have missed the entire class period and his/her attendance record will be marked accordingly. If the teacher gives a quiz, a test, and /or assignment, the late student will receive a zero .Any early dismissal, except in unusual or specially approved circumstances, is considered the same as a morning tardy and is subject to the same consequences.
Three (3) tardies within a nine-week marking period will result in a lunch detention.
The fourth and fifth tardies will result in additional lunch detention
Six (6) will result in call/note and/or conference with the parent(s).
More than six (6) tardies in a single nine-week term, inform the principal.
Excused Absences and Tardiness
Tardiness and absences from school will be excused for the following reasons:
Personal illness (doctor’s note required after two days of illness)
Illness in the immediate family requiring the student to be at home
Death in the family
If a parent believes a student has an excused tardy, the parent must send a note or come into the school office with the student.
When the student has been tardy four (4) times, this will be counted as one unexcused absence.